Club Codes and Policies

The Club has approved and adopted a set of policies in relation to Conduct, Safeguarding, Discrimination and Health and Safety as set out below:

Code of Conduct for Club Members and Guests*

All Volunteers, Parents/Carers, Members and Guests are required to abide by this
Code of Conduct and any subsequent updates. People will be deemed to have
accepted this Code of Conduct by their presence at Club matches, or at Club events
or activities.
All Volunteers, Parents/Carers, Members and Guests will:
• Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person within the context of
• Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender,
disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status,
religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief.
No one should condone, or allow to go unchallenged, any form of discrimination
if witnessed.
• Display high standards of behaviour.
• Promote the positive aspects of cricket especially fair play. Applaud the good
performance of all, and help Young People to recognise good performance, not just
match results.
• Encourage all participants to learn the Laws and Rules of cricket and play
within them and actively discourage unfair play rule violations and arguing with
match officials.
• Always respect and abide by the decisions made by umpires and other match
• Place the wellbeing and safety of Young People above the development of
• Ensure that activities are appropriate for the age maturity experience and
ability of the individual.
• Respect Young People’s opinions when making decisions about their
participation in cricket.
• Do not smoke, drink alcohol or use banned substances whilst working with
Young People in the Club.
• Do not provide Young People with alcohol when they are under the care of the
• Follow ECB guidelines set out in the ‘Safe Hands - Cricket’s Policy for
Safeguarding Children’ and any other relevant guidelines issued.
• Report any concerns in relation to a Young Person, following reporting
procedures laid down by the ECB.
In addition to the above all Club Officers and Appointed Volunteers will:
• Have been appropriately vetted if required before taking on their role.
• Hold relevant qualifications and be covered by appropriate insurance.
• Work in an open environment (i.e. avoid private or unobserved situations).
• Attend appropriate training to keep up-to-date with their role, especially that
relating to the Safeguarding of Children.
• Inform players and parents/carers of any additional requirements relating to
rules, safeguarding and behaviour applicable to them.
• Know and understand the ECB’s ‘Safe Hands - Cricket’s Policy for
Safeguarding Children’.
• Develop a positive working relationship with Young People, based on mutual
trust and respect.
• Ensure that any physical contact with Young People that is appropriate and
necessary is carried out within recommended ECB guidelines and with the
Young Person’s full consent and approval.
• Not engage in any form of sexually related contact with a Young Person. This is
strictly forbidden as is sexual innuendo, flirting or use of inappropriate gestures
and words. The ECB adopts the Home Office guidelines which recommend the
principle “People in positions of trust and authority do not have sexual
relationships with 16-17 year olds in their care”.
If a breach of the provisions or principles of this Code occurs or is reasonably
suspected to have occurred the Club reserves the right to take any necessary
action, including asking the person responsible for the breach to leave the Club
event or premises. Any disciplinary or complaint hearings in connection with a
breach of these rules shall be dealt with in accordance with the disciplinary
procedure as set out in the Club Constitution.
* Members and Guests include all members and officers of the Cricket Club and all guests of
those members and officers, as well as all individuals who watch/attend/participate/officiate in
matches or events involving the Club.  October 2022


Safeguarding Policy Statement

Devon Dumplings Cricket Club (The Club) is committed to ensuring all
Children participating in cricket have a safe and positive experience. (*The
word “Children” should be taken to mean all persons under the age of 18.)
We will do this by:
 Recognising that all children participating in cricket (regardless of age,
gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability) have the right to
have fun and be protected from harm in a safe environment.
 Ensuring that individuals working within cricket at,
 or for our Club provide a
welcoming, safe positive and fun cricketing experience for children.
 Adopting and implementing the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB)
“Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children” and any future
versions of this.
 Ensuring all individuals working within cricket at or for the Club are
recruited and appointed in accordance with ECB guidelines and relevant
 Appointing a Club Safeguarding Officer and ensuring that they attend all
current and future training modules required by the ECB so that they have the
necessary skills to be able to undertake their role effectively.
Our Safeguarding Officer will
 act as the first point of contact for parents, children and volunteers
within the Club.
 act as a local source of procedural advice for the Club, its
committee and members
 act as the main point of contact within the Club for the ECB
County Safeguarding Officer and the ECB Safeguarding Team.
 act as the main point of contact within the Club for relevant
external agencies in connection with child safeguarding.
 ensure correct and comprehensive reporting procedures exist for
raising and managing child safeguarding concerns.
 Ensuring all suspicions, concerns and allegations are taken seriously and
dealt with swiftly and appropriately.
 Ensuring access to confidential information relating to child safeguarding
matters is restricted to those who need to know in order to safeguard
children – including the Club Safeguarding Officer and the appropriate
external authorities, such as the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO),
as specified within ECB child safeguarding procedures.
 Ensuring all individuals working within cricket at or for the Club are
provided with support through education and training so they are aware of
and can adhere to good practice and Code of Conduct guidelines defined by
the ECB, and the Club.
 Ensure all people who work in cricket at or for our Club (such as officials,
volunteers, match managers) understand how the “Safe Hands
Policy” applies to them.  February 2023

Anti-Discrimination Code

Devon Dumplings Cricket Club (The Club) has adopted the England & Wales
Cricket Board’s Anti-Discrimination Code and will enforce it.
 The England and Wales Cricket Board (the ECB) is responsible for the governance of cricket
in England and Wales. This ECB Anti-Discrimination Code (the Code) is part of the ECB’s
continuing efforts to maintain the integrity diversity and inclusivity of cricket.
The ECB aims to create an environment within cricket in England and Wales in which no
individual group or organisation experiences discrimination or acts in a discriminatory
manner on the basis of a Protected Characteristic (as defined in the Equality Act 2010 from
time to time – which at the time of writing are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage
and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual
This Code therefore sets out discriminatory behaviour which, when carried out by a
participant who is required to comply with it will be a breach of the Code and may be
sanctioned accordingly.
All Participants (as defined below) agree by virtue of their involvement in cricket in England
and Wales to be bound by this Code and submit to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the relevant
body which applies to them.
All County Cricket Boards First Class Counties Regional Hosts the National Counties,
leagues clubs and other organisations under the jurisdiction of the ECB or its Members must
adopt and enforce the Code.
Participants who are party to an ECB agreement and/or in receipt of ECB funding may be
obliged as a condition of those agreements or funding to comply with or adopt the Code
and/or enforce the provisions of the Code through their own processes.
The Code may be amended from time to time by the ECB in its sole discretion, with such
amendments coming into effect on the date specified by the ECB.
Cricket Organisation means
(a) County Cricket Boards, First Class Counties, Regional Hosts, National
Counties, the Marylebone Cricket Club and other organisations under the jurisdiction
of the ECB or its Members;
(b) clubs and leagues which are affiliated to or under the jurisdiction of either the
ECB or any of its Members; and
(c) any other organisations which adopt this Code
Participant means:
(a) Cricket Organisations;
(b) employees, directors, officers, committee members, contractors and volunteers, in
each case, of the ECB or any Cricket Organisation;
(c) match officials including members of the Association of Cricket Officials;
(d) members of the ECB Coaches Association;
(e) an individual taking part in a cricket match or event under the jurisdiction of the
ECB and/or any ECB Member; and
(f) any other individual who becomes bound by this Code.
Paragraph (f) above is intended to cover other individuals which a cricket organisation
chooses to have bound by the Code. For example, a cricket venue may require spectators to
abide by the Code by making it a provision of the ticket terms and conditions which a
spectator agrees to.

1. It will be a breach of this Code for any Participant to:
1.1. discriminate against any person or persons based upon any relevant
Protected Characteristic, whether by act or omission, directly or
indirectly, unless permitted by law; and/or
1.2. engage in conduct related to a relevant Protected Characteristic which
has the purpose or effect of violating another’s dignity, or creating an
intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment
for that person or persons.
2. In deciding whether the conduct has the effect referred to in paragraph 1.2 above,
the following shall be taken into account, namely –
(a) the perception of the relevant person or persons,
(b) the circumstances of the case, and
(c) whether it is reasonable for the conduct to have that effect.
3. In instances where the Participant is an organisation, it will be a breach of this Code
to fail to provide an effective, timely and proportionate response to an alleged
breach under paragraph 1 above, carried out by any individual or organisation
under the jurisdiction of the Participant.
4. The breaches referenced in paragraph 1 shall apply regardless of whether the
Protected Characteristic(s) around which the breach is based applies to the person
or people to whom the offending conduct is directed.
If a player makes a homophobic comment directed at another player during a match,
regardless of whether that other player belongs to the group referred to, this would amount
to a breach of the Anti-Discrimination Code.

5. Any breach of this Code may also constitute an offence or breach of other
applicable laws, rules and/or regulations. This Code is intended to supplement such
other laws, rules and regulations and is not intended, and may not be interpreted,
construed or applied, to prejudice or undermine in any way the application of such
other laws, rules and/or regulations. Participants therefore acknowledge and agree that
this Code does not limit their responsibilities or obligations under other laws, rules
and/or regulations. March 2023

 Health & Safety Policy Statement

Devon Dumplings Cricket Club is strongly committed to ensuring the health, well-being & safety of our members while undertaking all cricket-related activities.
To support our health & safety policy statement we are committed to the following duties: 
 Undertake regular, recorded risk assessments of the Club premises as well as all
activities undertaken by the Club
 Create a safe environment by putting health & safety measures in place as identified by assessments.
 Ensure that all members are given the appropriate level of training by regularly assessing individual ability dependent on age, maturity and development.
 Ensure that all members are aware of, understand and follow the Club’s health and safety policy.
 Ensure that normal operating and emergency procedures are in place and known to all members.
 Provide access to First Aid Facilities, telephone and qualified first-aider.
 Record, and where required report, any injuries or accidents sustained during any Club activity in the Club accident book held by the Committee.
 Ensure that the implementation of this policy is reviewed regularly and monitored for effectiveness.

 Take reasonable care of your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or not do.
 Co-operate with the Club on health and safety issues.
 Correctly use all equipment provided by the Club.
 Not interfere with or misuse anything provided for your health, safety or welfare.
 Report any health and safety concerns to either the Club President, the Cricket
Secretary or the Safeguarding Officer.