President's Letter 2024

 Dear Fellow Dumplings,
I love the build-up to the cricket season with the expectation of what lies ahead. Vic Marks
wrote recently that April is the most optimistic of months for cricketers. All is possible at this
stage and I wish everyone enjoyable seasons with many runs, wickets and catches, and
avoidance of injuries.
Having said this, there is a sense of déjà-vu about the quantity of rain of late. In 2023, the first
completed Dumplings game of the season was on 31 st May. This proved an ongoing issue
through the season and appreciation goes as always to all the people who host us and prepare
pitches around the county. Shobrooke Park deserve a special mention going above and
beyond to ensure the Lost Boys game was not cancelled in July. Peter has once again
organised plenty of fixtures and I encourage everyone to contact match managers with
availability and encourage anyone else who might enjoy Dumplings cricket to give it a go. I
would very much like to hear from anyone willing to be a link person with a club in Devon to
help players from more clubs to consider playing for us.
There were some excellent performances last year despite the weather and it is great to see
young players in particular showing potential and an understanding of the Dumpling ethos of
playing cricket. Looking at the season, Harry Gribble, Joe Poustie, Elliot Barnes, Jim Keates
and George Daldorph stood out and it will be great to see what they can do this year. Elliot
won the batting award at the dinner last year and Jim won the Mini Dumpling Outstanding
Cricketer of the Year.
Congratulations to Harry Kandampully on his first Silver Dumpling for his commitment,
performances and contributions off the field in the past few years. Please do have a look at his
Instagram Dumplings account but if social media is not for you, our websites and email
should allow options for following the season.
On a sadder note, last summer we lost our record wicket taker and Life Vice-President,
Jeffrey Stanyer. A huge contributer to the Club both on and off the pitch, in 2008 Jeffrey
surpassed the 1077 wickets taken by the Revd. G. L. A. Heslop, going on to set a record that
will take some breaking. He fulfilled many roles including Match Manager, Secretary,
Fixtures Secretary and President, and enabled many cricketers including myself to experience
Dumplings cricket. He will be greatly missed and I am pleased that there will be a Memorial
game for him against Exeter C.C. where he showed similar commitment. It would be great to
have a strong Dumpling turnout for this on Wednesday 29 th May. Please see the newsletter for
details of special events through the season. It is also Exeter C.C.’s Bicentary this year and
they have some other events planned that you might like to support.
I am also very pleased that we have four new Life Vice-Presidents of the Club: Mike Bull,
Peter Jolliffe, Mike Maynard and Tony Wragg. It has been a pleasure to have played with all
of them over the years and their great commitment and contributions to the Dumplings are
rightly acknowledged by this.

Finally, as many of you will know, running a cricket club involves a lot of work behind the
scenes. Many thanks as always to the committee, match managers, scorers and umpires who
ensure cricket can be played. Wendy’s role as Honorary Secretary has grown substantially
over the years and we are looking to divide the load again. I am pleased to say Wendy is
continuing as Membership and Cricket Secretary. Check the newsletter for details.
Unfortunately several committee members are not able to continue this year including Peter
Langford who has done a great job as Keeper of the Records, but I am pleased to welcome Ian
Hayter to the committee this year. We are looking for one or two new committee members
(including representation for younger players) who would be able to help ensure the
Dumplings continues to move forward and thrive. Please do ask if you would like to know
more about it.
I wish everyone all the best for the summer ahead and I hope to see you all at some stage.
Feel free to talk to Wendy, me or other members of the committee if you have any questions,
concerns or feedback.
Very best wishes,